الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «وحدة:Navbox with columns/configuration»

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يمكن إنشاء صفحة توثيق الوحدة في وحدة:Navbox with columns/configuration/شرح

return {
	--These values will be merged with those from [[Module:Navbox/configuration]]
	keyword = {},
	pattern = {
		colnum = '^col(%d+)$',
		colheadernum = '^col(%d+)header$',
		colfooternum = '^col(%d+)footer$',
		withColumns = 'Template:Navbox with columns',
		without_first_col = 'Category:Pages using navbox columns without the first column'
	arg = {
		colheaderstyle = 'colheaderstyle',
		colheader_and_num = 'col%dheader',
		colheaderstyle_and_num = 'col%dheaderstyle',
		colheadercolspan_and_num = 'col%dheadercolspan',
		colstyle = 'colstyle',
		col_and_num = 'col%d',
		colstyle_and_num = 'col%dstyle',
		colwidth = 'colwidth',
		colwidth_and_num = 'col%dwidth',
		colhfooterstyle = 'colfooterstyle',
		colfooter_and_num = 'col%dfooter',
		colfooterstyle_and_num = 'col%dfooterstyle',
		colfootercolspan_and_num = 'col%dfootercolspan',
		coltablestyle = 'coltablestyle',
		evencolstyle = 'evencolstyle',
		fullwidth = 'fullwidth',
		oddcolstyle = 'oddcolstyle',
		padding = 'padding'