Coordinates: Coordinates: Unable to parse latitude as a number:LAT

قالب:Infobox amusement park/doc

من مرصد الاقتصاد الأردني
مراجعة ١٩:٢٣، ١١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤ بواسطة User (نقاش | مساهمات) (مراجعة واحدة)
(فرق) → مراجعة أقدم | المراجعة الحالية (فرق) | مراجعة أحدث ← (فرق)
Previously known as {{{previous_names}}}
Location{{{resort}}}، {{{location}}}، {{{location2}}}، {{{location3}}}
Status{{{status}}}Category:Amusement park articles with custom statuses
Public transit{{{public_transit}}}
Operated by{{{operator}}}
General manager{{{general_manager}}}
Operating season{{{season}}}
Area[convert: invalid number]{{{area}}}
Roller coasters{{{coasters}}}
Water rides{{{water_rides}}}
Other rides{{{other_rides}}}
Status{{{status1}}}Category:Amusement park articles with custom statuses
Replaced by{{{replacement1}}}
Status{{{status2}}}Category:Amusement park articles with custom statuses
Replaced by{{{replacement2}}}
Status{{{status3}}}Category:Amusement park articles with custom statuses
Replaced by{{{replacement3}}}
Status{{{status4}}}Category:Amusement park articles with custom statuses
Replaced by{{{replacement4}}}
Status{{{status5}}}Category:Amusement park articles with custom statuses
Replaced by{{{replacement5}}}
Status{{{status6}}}Category:Amusement park articles with custom statuses
Replaced by{{{replacement6}}}


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" style="overflow: auto;"> </syntaxhighlight>


All attributes are optional.

Name Meaning Example
name Proper name of park (required) Six Flags Great Adventure
previous_names Names by which the park was previously known Great Adventure
logo Name of a logo for the park, without "File:" SixFlagsGreatAdventure logo.png
logo_caption Explanatory text for the image Six Flags Great Adventure logo
image Name of a photograph for the park, without "File:" Six Flags entrance.jpg
caption Explanatory text for the photo Six Flags entrance
resort The associated resort complex—typically a wikilink [[Universal Orlando Resort]]
location City, State/Province, Country [[Jackson Township, New Jersey|Jackson, New Jersey]], USA
Just city, if using |location2and|location3 [[Jackson Township, New Jersey|Jackson]]
location2 State/Province. [[New Jersey]]
location3 Country USA
coordinates Use {{coord}} with display=inline,title {{coord|40|08|16.65|N|74|26|26.69|W|region:US-NJ_type:landmark|display=inline,title}}
status planned (meaning under development), under construction, operating, closed (temporary or long-term), or defunct Planned
public_transit The nearest public transport stop. {{rail-interchange|santaclara}} {{rint|santaclara|green}} {{rint|santaclara|orange}} [[Great America (VTA)|Great America]]
opening_date When the park originally opened to the public. Full date if known, or just year. Should use {{Start date}}. {{Start date|1974|7|4}} results in July 4, 1974
closing_date Date of park closure, if no longer operating. Should use {{End date}}. {{End date|2004|2|28|df=yes}} results in 28 February 2004
theme The park's theme [[Film studio]]
owner Owning company or person, if separate; wikilink, if article exists [[Blackstone Group]]
general_manager General manager or chief park executive Mark Kane
operator The operating company or person of the theme park. [[Universal Parks & Resorts]]
season The schedule the park is typically open under normal operation Spring through fall
attendance The numbers of visitors to the park each year (deprecated param: visitors) 600,000
area Land area occupied by the park. {{convert|500|acre}}
area_ha Land area occupied by the park in hectares. It is autoconverted to acres. 45.6
area_acre Land area occupied by the park in acres. It is autoconverted to hectares. 123
rides Number of rides (note "as of") 56 (as of 2008)
coasters Number of roller coasters 13
water_rides Number of water rides 2
slogan Park advertising slogan Go Big. Go Six Flags.
homepage Wiki external link to the park's website {{Official website|}}
footnotes Explanation of infobox items to appear at bottom of box. (Not for regular footnotes.)

Mapframe maps

  • Basic parameters:
    • mapframe – Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default. Default: no
    • mapframe-caption – Caption for the map. Default: blank (or if |mapframe-geomask= is set, "Location in geomask's label")
    • mapframe-custom – Use a custom map instead of the automatic mapframe. Specify either a {{maplink}} template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, the subsequent mapframe parameters will be ignored. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-id or id or qid – Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use. Default: item for current page
    • mapframe-coordinates or mapframe-coord or coordinates or coord – Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template, e.g. |coord={{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}. Default: coordinates from Wikidata
    • mapframe-wikidata – Set to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">yes</syntaxhighlight> to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when |coord= is set. Default: not specified
  • Customise which features are displayed:
    • mapframe-shape – Turn off display of shape feature by setting to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">none</syntaxhighlight>. Use an inverse shape (geomask) instead of a regular shape by setting to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">inverse</syntaxhighlight>. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-point – Turn off display of point feature by setting to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">none</syntaxhighlight>. Force point marker to be displayed by setting to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">on</syntaxhighlight>. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-line – Turn off display of line feature by setting to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">none</syntaxhighlight>. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-geomask – Wikidata item to use as a geomask (everything outside the boundary is shaded darker). Can either be a specific Wikidata item (Q-number), or a property that specifies the item to use (e.g. P17 for (P17), P131 for (P131)). Default: not specified
    • mapframe-switcher – set to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">auto</syntaxhighlight> or <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">geomasks</syntaxhighlight> or <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">zooms</syntaxhighlight> to enable Template:Switcher-style switching between multiple mapframes. Default: not specified
      • <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">auto</syntaxhighlight> – switch geomasks found in (P276) and (P131) statements on the page's Wikidata item, searching recursively. E.g. an item's city, that city's state, and that state's country.
      • <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">geomasks</syntaxhighlight> – switch between the geomasks specified as a comma-separated list of Wikidata items (Q-numbers) in the mapframe-geomask parameter
      • <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">zooms</syntaxhighlight> – switch between "zoomed in"/"zoomed midway"/"zoomed out", where "zoomed in" is the default zoom (with a minimum of <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">3</syntaxhighlight>), "zoomed out" is <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">1</syntaxhighlight>, and "zoomed midway" is the average
  • Other optional parameters:
    • mapframe-frame-width or mapframe-width – Frame width. Default: 270
    • mapframe-frame-height or mapframe-height – Frame height. Default: 200
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    • mapframe-shape-fill-opacity – Opacity level of shape fill, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
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    • mapframe-stroke-width – Width of line features, and outlines of shape features; default is "5". Default: 5
    • mapframe-marker – Marker symbol to use for coordinates; see mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/Icons for options. Default: amusement-park
      • Can also be set to <syntaxhighlight lang="text" class="" style="" inline="1">blank</syntaxhighlight> to override any default marker symbol
    • mapframe-marker-color or mapframe-marker-colour – Background color for the marker. Default: #5E74F3
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    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-width – Width of outline of geomask shape. Default: 2
    • mapframe-geomask-fill – Color used to fill outside geomask features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-geomask-fill-opacity – Opacity level of fill outside geomask features, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-zoom – Set the zoom level, from "1" (map of earth) to "18" (maximum zoom in), to be used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area. Default: 10
    • mapframe-length_km or mapframe-length_mi or mapframe-area_km2 or mapframe-area_mi2 – Determine zoom level by passing in object's length (in kilometres or miles) or area (in square kilometres or square miles). Default: not specified
    • mapframe-frame-coordinates or mapframe-frame-coord – Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}. Default: derived from item coordinates

Tracking categories

Status categories which may be added to articles using this infobox based on the |status= parameters:

Hidden maintenance/tracking categories which may be added to articles using this infobox:


The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.


If the place or venue has "established", "founded", "opened" or similar dates, use {{start date}} for the earliest of those dates unless the date is before 1583 CE.

If it has a URL, use {{URL}}.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.


hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.


When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use {{coord}}'s |name= parameter.


TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Infobox amusement park in articles based on its TemplateData.

TemplateData for Infobox amusement park

<templatedata> { "description": "This template is used to provide key information of an amusement park (in the form of an infobox).", "params": { "name": { "label": "Park Name", "description": "The name of the amusement park in question (The articles title). Should not be linked.", "type": "string", "required": true }, "logo": { "label": "Park Logo", "description": "An image or the logo of the amuesment park. Make sure to use 'ملف:Image name.png/jpg/etc'.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "logo_caption": { "label": "Park Logo Caption", "description": "A caption describing the logo (text for the image).", "type": "string", "required": false }, "image": { "label": "Park Photo", "description": "A photograph of the amusement park. Make sure to use 'ملف:Image name.png/jpg/etc'.", "type": "wiki-file-name", "required": false }, "caption": { "label": "Park Photo Caption", "description": "A caption describing the photo.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "resort": { "label": "Resort", "description": "The associated resort complex; such as Universal Orlando Resort. Should be linked.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "location": { "label": "Park Location (City)", "description": "The city in which the amusement park is located at. Should be linked", "type": "string", "required": false }, "location2": { "label": "Park Location (State/Province)", "description": "The state/province in which the amusement park is located at. Should be linked.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "location3": { "label": "Park Location (Country)", "description": "The country in which the amusement park is located at. Should be linked", "type": "string", "required": false },

       "public_transit": {

"label": "Public transit", "description": "The nearest public transport stop. Should be linked.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "coordinates": { "label": "Park Coordinates", "description": "The coordinates of the amusement park to describe its location. Use Coordinates: Unable to parse latitude as a number:LAT
{{#coordinates:}}: خط العرض غير صالح.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "theme": { "label": "Park Theme", "description": "The theme of the amusement park; such as a movie studio, cartoon, etc. Any themes used should be linked.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "homepage": { "label": "Park Webpage/URL", "description": "The amusement park's webpage. Use or Official website", "type": "string", "required": false }, "owner": { "label": "Park Owner", "description": "The owner of the amusement park; such as Cedar Fair, Six Flags, Blackstone Group, etc. Owners should be linked if possible.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "general_manager": { "label": "Park General Manager", "description": "The general manager or chief park executive of the amusement park; such as Norm Pirtovshek who is the general manager for Canada's Wonderland.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "operator": { "label": "Park Operator", "description": "The operating company or person of the theme park. This can be similar to 'Park Owner'; if so, leave this parameter blank.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "opening_date": { "label": "Park Opening Date", "description": "The date that the park originally opened to the public. Should use  خطأ في التعبير: كلمة لم نتعرف عليها «dd»., yyy (yyy-mm-dd)", "type": "string", "required": false }, "closing_date": { "label": "Park Closing Date", "description": "The date that the park closed to the public. Should use قالب:End date", "type": "string", "required": false }, "previous_names": { "label": "Previous Park Names", "description": "Names by which the park was previously known as.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "season": { "label": "Park Operating Season", "description": "The schedule the park is normally open; such as 'May to November). If the park is open year-round, put 'Year-round'.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "visitors": { "label": "Park Visitors", "description": "The numbers of visitors to the park each year. This should reflect the most recent year possible.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "area": { "label": "Park Area", "description": "The land area occupied by the park. Use 500 acres (200 ha) (remember to change '500' if needed).", "type": "string", "required": false }, "rides": { "label": "Number of Park Rides", "description": "The number of rides that are present at the park (remember to put '(as of 20yy)' after the number of rides).", "type": "number", "required": false }, "coasters": { "label": "Number of Park Roller Coasters", "description": "The number of roller coasters that are present at the park.", "type": "number", "required": false }, "water_rides": { "label": "Number of Park Water Rides", "description": "The number of water rides that are present at the park.", "type": "number", "required": false }, "slogan ": { "label": "Park Slogan", "description": "The MOST RECENT advertising slogan for the park.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "footnotes": { "label": "Footnotes", "description": "Explanation of infobox items to appear at bottom of box. Filling in this parameter is not needed.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "logo_size": {},

"logo_upright": {
           "label": "Logo upright scale factor",
           "description": "See MOS:UPRIGHT",
           "type": "number"
       "logo_alt": {
           "label": "Logo alternative text",
           "description": "Alternative text for the logo. See MOS:ALT for guidance"
       "image_upright": {
           "label": "Image upright scale factor",
           "description": "A numerical factor for the sizing of the image. See MOS:UPRIGHT for more information.",
           "type": "number"
       "alt": {
           "label": "Image alternative text",
           "description": "Alternative text for the image. See MOS:ALT for guidance"

"image_size": {}, "pushpin_map": {}, "pushpin_map_alt": {}, "pushpin_map_caption": {}, "pushpin_relief": {}, "pushpin_label_position": {}, "map_dot_label": {}, "map_size": {}, "status": {}, "status1": {}, "status2": {}, "status3": {}, "status4": {}, "status5": {}, "status6": {}, "auto-cat": {}, "operatingcat": {}, "closedcat": {}, "constructioncat": {}, "defunctcat": {}, "plannedcat": {}, "customcat": {}, "cancelledcat": {}, "slogan": {}, "attendance": {}, "area_ha": {}, "area_acre": {}, "other_rides": {}, "shows": {}, "park1": {}, "coordinates1": {}, "opened1": {}, "closed1": {}, "replaced1": {}, "replacement1": {}, "park2": {}, "coordinates2": {}, "opened2": {}, "closed2": {}, "replaced2": {}, "replacement2": {}, "park3": {}, "coordinates3": {}, "opened3": {}, "closed3": {}, "replaced3": {}, "replacement3": {}, "park4": {}, "coordinates4": {}, "opened4": {}, "closed4": {}, "replaced4": {}, "replacement4": {}, "park5": {}, "coordinates5": {}, "opened5": {}, "closed5": {}, "replaced5": {}, "replacement5": {}, "park6": {}, "coordinates6": {}, "opened6": {}, "closed6": {}, "replaced6": {}, "replacement6": {} }, "format": "block" } </templatedata>


Islands of Adventure

Islands of Adventure
The Pharos Lighthouse, the icon of Islands of Adventure
LocationUniversal Orlando Resort، Orlando، Florida، United States
Coordinates28°28′18″N 81°28′17″W / 28.47167°N 81.47139°W / 28.47167; -81.47139
OpenedMay 28, 1999
Operated byUniversal Parks & Resorts
ThemeIslands with myths, legends, dinosaurs, cartoons, superheroes, and children's stories
SloganLive the Adventure
Operating seasonYear-round
Attendance8.1 million
Roller coasters5 (Dragon Challenge is 2 Coasters)
Water rides3
WebsiteOfficial website

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" style="overflow:auto">

Islands of Adventure
The Pharos Lighthouse, the icon of Islands of Adventure
LocationUniversal Orlando Resort، Orlando، Florida، United States
Coordinates28°28′18″N 81°28′17″W / 28.47167°N 81.47139°W / 28.47167; -81.47139
OpenedMay 28, 1999
Operated byUniversal Parks & Resorts
ThemeIslands with myths, legends, dinosaurs, cartoons, superheroes, and children's stories
SloganLive the Adventure
Operating seasonYear-round
Attendance8.1 million
Roller coasters5 (Dragon Challenge is 2 Coasters)
Water rides3
WebsiteOfficial website


Warner Bros. Movie World

Warner Bros. Movie World
ملف:Movie World Entrance.jpg
The carpark entrance banner at Warner Bros. Movie World
LocationOxenford، Queensland، Australia
Coordinates27°54′26.17″S 153°18′45.54″E / 27.9072694°S 153.3126500°E / -27.9072694; 153.3126500
Opened3 June 1991 (1991-06-03)
OwnerVillage Roadshow Theme Parks and Attractions
General managerBob White
ThemeFilm studio
SloganHollywood on the Gold Coast
Operating seasonYear-round
Attendance1.3 million
Area415 acres (168 ha)
Roller coasters4
Water rides2
WebsiteOfficial website

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" style="overflow:auto">

Warner Bros. Movie World
ملف:Movie World Entrance.jpg
The carpark entrance banner at Warner Bros. Movie World
LocationOxenford، Queensland، Australia
Coordinates27°54′26.17″S 153°18′45.54″E / 27.9072694°S 153.3126500°E / -27.9072694; 153.3126500
Opened3 June 1991 (1991-06-03)
OwnerVillage Roadshow Theme Parks and Attractions
General managerBob White
ThemeFilm studio
SloganHollywood on the Gold Coast
Operating seasonYear-round
Attendance1.3 million
Area415 acres (168 ha)
Roller coasters4
Water rides2
WebsiteOfficial website


See also