وحدة:Check for unknown parameters/doc

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Module:Check for unknown parameters is used to check for uses of unknown parameters in a template or module. It may be appended to a template at the end or called directly from a module.


From a template

To sort entries into a tracking category by parameter, use:

To sort the entries into a tracking category by parameter with a preview error message, use:

For an explicit red error message, use:

To use Lua patterns, use:

  • {{#invoke:Check for unknown parameters|check|unknown=[[Category:Some tracking category|_VALUE_]]|preview=unknown parameter "_VALUE_"|arg1|arg2|...|argN|regexp1=header[%d]+|regexp2=date[1-9]}}

From a module

To call from a module, use: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local checkForUnknownParameters = require("Module:Check for unknown parameters") local result = checkForUnknownParameters._check(validArgs, args) </syntaxhighlight>

Where the first set of args are the module args below and the second set of args are the parameters that are checked.


  • arg1, arg2, ..., argN, are the known parameters.
  • Unnamed (positional) parameters can be added too: |1|2|arg1|arg2|....
  • Lua patterns (similar to regular expressions) usage with parameters is also supported (such as: |regexp1=header[%d]+, |regexp2=date[1-9], |regexp3=data[%d]+[abc]?). This is useful when there are many known parameters which use a systematic pattern.
  • |unknown= – what happens when an uknown parameter is used. Typically use either a tracking category to place pages that use unknown parameters, or an error.
  • |preview= – the text to be displayed when in preview mode and an unknown parameter is used.
  • The _VALUE_ keyword, if used, will be changed to the name of the parameter. This is useful for either sorting the entries in a tracking category, or for provide more explicit information.
  • |ignoreblank=1 – by default, the module makes no distinction between a defined-but-blank parameter and a non-blank parameter. That is, both unlisted |foo=x and |foo= are reported. To only track non-blank parameters use |ignoreblank=1.
  • |showblankpositional=1 – by default, the module ignores blank positional parameters. That is, an unlisted |2= is ignored. To include blank positional parameters in the tracking use |showblankpositional=1.


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"> </syntaxhighlight>

Call from within Lua code

See the end of Module:Rugby box for a simple example or Module:Infobox3cols or Module:Flag for more complicated examples.

See also